How To Sterilize Shoes

How To Sterilize Shoes? [Ultimate Guide]

Footwear is very essential in cushioning your feet from cold and injuries. However, there is a likelihood that shoes can harbor disease-causing bacteria. There are a lot of people that are always looking for ways to save money and they are willing to try anything. Even cleaning their shoes at home. But many people do not know how to do it the right way how to sterilize shoes.

If you are looking for the best way to sterilize your shoes, you have come to the right place. You don’t have to worry about the safety of your shoes any more. You can sterilize your shoes at home without harsh chemicals, with a little bit of patience and some basic supplies. This blog post will teach you how to sterilize your shoes at home, so you can always have a clean set on hand.

How To Sterilize Shoes?

A lot of people like to be practical when it comes to their shoes. Buying a great pair of shoes is one thing, but many people also want to sterilize them at home after use. The coronavirus outbreak in a pandemic that requires every individual to take the necessary precautions including sterilizing shoes.

It is important to sterilize shoes to ensure you don’t transmit the coronavirus. This is because shoes come into contact with open public places which predisposes you to be at risk of carrying the virus home. Therefore, it is important to be vigilant on sterilization of shoes to ensure it is free from such viruses and other pathogens. Learn how to sterilize shoes during this pandemic.

Steps on How To Sterilize Shoes

How to sterilize shoes? When you hear that question, you may think, who would ask that? But do you know how to sterilize your shoes at home? This article is all about how you can sterilize your shoes at home, and all that you need to get started. If you have ever walked into a public restroom and saw a long line of people, then you know that clean shoes are the most important thing to avoid spreading disease.

Sterilization is very important to cut off the infectivity of disease-causing bacteria. Therefore, sterilizing shoes is very essential. There are many ways to sterilize shoes at home, from the old tried and true methods, to the newest, more innovative ways. This blog is about how to sterilize shoes at home. It will show you how easy it is to sterilize your shoes with some simple steps.

Step 1: Use Adhesive Sticky Mats

The adhesive sticky mats are designed to ensure bacteria doesn’t find its way to the house or any premise which can also be difficult to control. It can also lead to other infections because it comes into contact with various surfaces.

This is one of the most convenient and easiest ways to sterilize your shoes. It is laid out as the doormat but it contains non-toxic adhesives that remove debris, pollen, and dirt that can allow disease-causing bacteria to thrive in the shoes. These mats can pick up even the smallest airborne contaminate with up to 0.3úm. You can always replace the sheet when it gets soiled to ensure it works effectively.

Step 2: Use Disposable Wet Wipes For Shoes

Are you looking for the simplest way on how to sterilize shoes? Well, using disposable wet wipes is very convenient because you can pack them in your bag and use them anytime anywhere. After all, they are disposable.

When you get home the first thing to do is to ensure that your shoes are sterilized so that you don’t allow bacteria to get into your home because of failing to sterilize your shoes. So what do you do? Well, use disposable wet wipes that are designed to be used in the removal of dirt and dust that can harbor bacteria and other germs. It is effective in removing contaminants and surface germs to lay the foundation for other advanced sterilization methods.

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Step 3: Use Shoe Deodorizer with Ozone Sanitizer

The use of a shoe deodorizer is very essential especially if you have thick footwear that is hard to clean. The shoe deodorizer uses the ozone molecules in getting rid of odor-causing bacteria. Such bacteria are responsible for odor which is an indication that there are bacteria in the shoes. Additionally, ozone is very effective since it can kill up to 99% of germs without leading to effects that could have been experienced with the use of chemicals. Therefore, it is a safer and more reliable way of killing germs because it is eco-friendly. It can be used in sanitizing shoe pads alongside other gears.

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Step 4: Use Ultraviolet Shoe Sanitizer

Technology has made it possible to come up with innovations on how to sterilize shoes. Deodorizing your shoe with the UV light can kill up to 99% of bacteria and fungus that cause foot infection. All the parts of the shoes will be effectively sterilized from the heel to the toe to ensure your shoes are sterilized effectively. The good thing is that the use of ultraviolet light is friendly to the environment because it doesn’t cause any potential harm to the environment. If you have sweaty feet this is an effective method that you need to adopt because damp feet might lead to the development of athlete’s foot due to the fungus. Therefore, it helps to dry out the shoes as well as sterilizing them and within 15 minutes your shoes will be effectively sterilized and odor-free.

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Step 5: Use A Footwear Dryer And Sanitizer

Footwear dryers are very effective when it comes to drying and sanitizing the footwear simultaneously. They are adjustable to accommodate various shoe sizes. Therefore, if you have been having a problem with stinking shoes then here is a perfect solution. The footwear dryer will eliminate odors and bacteria that are brought by sweaty feet. The good thing is that you can use it to sterilize your shoes, boots, flats, and any other footwear that you use daily. It is designed to remove harmful bacteria using drying and UV deodorizing mechanisms. Additionally, it emits heat up to 113°F to ensure your shoes are safely and effectively dried out so limit bacteria from thriving in your shoes. The shoes will be completely dried out. Besides, the UV light also ensures that all bacteria are killed leaving your shoes completely sterilized.

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Step 6: Use Shoe Deodorizer Spray

Shoe deodorizer is very effective in disinfecting shoes. They help in eliminating bacteria and mildew that grow as a result of moist shoes which is contributed by sweaty feet. It can be used on sandals, sneakers, and boots. Additionally, it helps in eliminating odor which leaves shoes fresh all the time. Therefore, you should look for a high-quality deodorizer which is also eco-friendly.

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Step 7: Use A Mild Cleaning Solution

The mild cleaning solution should not contain bleaching properties that can damage the time. Therefore, you can use a mild cleaning solution to ensure your shoes are effectively sanitized. You can use a brush to make the cleaning more effective. After cleaning you should air-dry to ensure no moisture can attract the growth of mold and harbor any bacteria and fungi which can lead to infections.

Step 8: Use Leather Cleanser And Moisturizer

Leather shoes should also be sterilized to kill bacteria and germs. You require leather cleaner and a damp towel to wipe its surface. Ensure you clean thoroughly and leave it to dry for some minutes. Afterwards, use a moisturizer to polish it because when leather shoes are cleaned they become dull.

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Final Verdict

We hope you enjoyed our article about how to sterilize shoes at home. We know that this can be a difficult task, but with the right supplies, it can be easy. If you are looking for an effective way on how to sterilize shoes then you have a range of options to choose from. It is always important that you clean your shoes effectively to enhance the effectiveness of the sterilization. Wash the laces, soles, and air dry at room temperature. Additionally, if you have sweaty feet you should consider purchasing well-ventilated shoes to minimize sweat accumulation. This helps in reducing the chances of harboring harmful fungus and bacteria in your shoes.
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